Saturday, December 26, 2009

The UNIVERSE VISION OF PSALMS 8 AND THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES REVEAL THE GREATNESS OF THE LORD'S GLORY AND HIS NAME! This is A New Beginning Revealing The Great Mysteries of The Kingdom of Heaven; But, Only To Babes and Little Children => To Stop And Silence God's Enemies And The Avenger!

NOTE: These series of articles about God's revelations of His Kingdom's Great Mysteries use segments of the real-life story of Mr. Lope Columna as Case Studies and medium to explain or show how these supernal Great Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were revealed to Mankind in the End-Time Generation. God's manipulation of Lope Columna's life events are in preparation for the great job and responsibility assigned to Lope Columna as he is chosen and called by God to fulfill the role of being the end-time "Ravenous Bird, the Man from the Far East to execute My Counsel..." (Isaiah 46:11).  These supernal Mysteries of the Kingdom revealed to Lope Columna started with the revelation of the Great Mystery of Marriage (GMOM), leading next to the revelation of the Great Mystery of the True Gospel of Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom (GMKW), then it expanded to the revelation of the Mystery of God the Father's WILL (MGFW).  These 3 Great Mysteries of the Kingdom of God are listed in the following:
  1. The GREAT MYSTERY OF MARRIAGE (Ephesians 5:31-32).
  2. The GREAT MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM (1Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:26-27, Ephesians 6:19, Romans 16:25).
  3. The MYSTERY OF GOD THE FATHER'S WILL (Ephesians 1:9).
When combined, these three (3) Great Mysteries of the Bible, or of the Kingdom of Heaven, is called the COUNSEL OF GOD (Isaiah 46:11), which is the TRUE RELIGION OF JESUS CHRIST. For an in-depth revelation about the True Religion, please go to: FINALLY, GOD REVEALED THE TRUE RELIGION FROM THE TREE OF LIFE! This True Religion is The Supernal MESSIANIC JUDAISM, which is the Religion of Jesus Christ. Great Blessings Are Promised to those Who Learn these Great Mysteries!


I must put to writing and declare all these wonderful works of God for His Glory for all the world to know (Psalms 9:1-2, 11, 14). As I said before, I'm just the instrument. It is obvious that God is truly manipulating the events of my life, for the Great Purpose He prepared for me -- to be "The Man from the Far East" He would call to receive and execute His Counsel in the Last Days (Isaiah 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12)!

It was on the unforgettable Sabbath of February 1, 2003, that God initially revealed to me one of His most exciting revelation: the revelation about the true meaning of the UNIVERSE VISION as prophesied in Psalms 8. 

This initial revelation expanded to the revelation and restoration of the TRUE RELIGION OF CHRIST with its TRUE GOSPEL of MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM! And these supernal revelations continue even today => Leading to the actual return of the KING of Kings & LORD of Lords.


Psalms 8 became so very significant and meaningful to me because of the following revelations, in connection with my "Universe Vision" sermonette I delivered during that memorable FOT 2002 in the Teachers Camp, Baguio City, the Philippines.

The beginning of Psalm 8 reads: To the Chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David.

God's Spirit of Truth. as promised by Christ (John 16:12-14) guided and led me to look up the meaning of the word Gittith as defined by the Companion Bible (Appendix 65). I was surprised by its definition:

GITTITH = Winepresses (relating to the Autumn Feast of Tabernacles). The word speaks of the autumn, as Gittoth (fruit) is associated with the Autumn Festival (Tabernacles). The Feast of Tabernacles told of God's goodness in Divine keeping.-- Companion Bible (App. 65)

With the above definition of Gittith that involved the Feast of Tabernacles, and as I studied the 8th chapter of Psalms, I was excited to remember the sermonette I delivered last 2002 Feast of Tabernacles (FOT) in Baguio City, the Philippines. 

The sermonette, entitled, "Why the Universe Vision?" compares Christian hardships and trials in life to the hardships and trials of bringing man to the moon and back, to learn the lessons of success in this great human achievement. I discussed in the sermonette the Glory of God above the Heavens, and how the universe can be conquered by man whose ultimate destiny is to rule and beautify the entire vast universe, or universes, with God. I did not realize then, that this sermonette and its consequent effects were all written and prophesied in the 8th chapter of Psalms!

In Psalms 8:1, the phrase "To the chief musician" was translated from the Hebrew word Natzach or NETZACH. The words, "thy glory" was translated from the Hebrew word "HOD."
  • <To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David.> O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the Earth! who hast set THY GLORY above the Heavens.  (Psa 8:1 KJV)
The words "Netzach" and "Hod" are the 2 of the Ten Sefirot, which corresponds to the right and left legs of the human body. The Legs are the carrier of the human body, bringing a person to a place or somewhere. The Ten Sefirot structure is the foundation of God's MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM, which is also the structure of the TREE OF LIFE. 

Netzach and Hod carry and raise up Malchut (The BRIDE OF CHRIST) to be close to God The Father and Jesus Christ. This elevation of the BRIDE OF CHRIST to that intimate face-to-face relationship with God The Father and Christ was done via the revelations of God's Secret Counsel and Mysteries of His Kingdom. Malchut is the last (bottom) sefirah of the Ten Sefirot Tree. It is the final destination or vessel of the energies and lights of the nine upper Sefirot. Malchut also corresponds to the Kingdom of God.

The word "Netzach" means "to be victorious" or "to overcome." Connecting to the sefirot of Netzach and Hod, King David and all who recite Psalms with this intent arouse a response from those sefirot in Jesus Christ, who is called Zeir Anpin in the Zohar.
  • He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son. (Rev 21:7 MKJV)
As the introduction to my sermonette, I let the audience hear the actual recorded voice of President John Kennedy about his famous "moon speech." This multimedia introduction combined with the inspired contents had made this sermonette "hard to forget" by the audience. Many brethren, including those from other countries, congratulated me for that unique sermonette.

The following day, Mr. Gerald Flurry, the Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG), gave his FOT message via satellite. As Mr. Flurry gave the introduction to his sermon, beautiful pictures of the universe (stars, galaxies, etc.) captured by Hubble telescope of NASA were shown on the screen. After Mr. Flurry's message, many brethren came and told me that while the pictures of the universe were being shown for several minutes, they remembered and connected my sermonette to Mr. Flurry's sermon and the universe pictures. Many brethren were inspired and encouraged by my "universe vision" sermonette and the succeeding sermon of Mr. Flurry.


Yet, after the Feast of Tabernacles, a PCG minister with a Preaching Elder rank, excluded and removed my name from the sermonette men list of the Quezon City congregation, without even the smallest courtesy of informing me and telling me why. 

I was not given the list of various assignments for the various physical tasks of the QC Congregation of which I am directly responsible, being the ordained Deacon and Coordinator. Now, without my knowledge, I was doubly disregarded by that Preaching Elder by assigning that job to a Local Church Elder (Mr. Nick Antonio). This Minister-in-charge of the Quezon City congregation, also did not bother to inform me of the changes. The two ministers connived to totally ignore my job and also prevented me from giving further sermonettes!

I was then subjected to the state of "suspended animation" without knowing why. In effect, those ministers removed me from my God-given duty and responsibility as the Deacon of the Quezon City congregation, without even the smallest courtesy of informing me!

That minister (Mr. Pedrito Cara) has been filled with pride and arrogance of power such that he can do this thing to another servant of God! Months later, I learned from him (on the phone) that the reason why he removed me from the list of sermonette speakers was the sermonette "Why the Universe Vision" I delivered last FOT 2002.

He was displeased with that sermonette, while many brethren were inspired and of all praises of that sermonette! Here is a minister of a Church claiming to have the universe vision from God, and yet at the same time hating a sermonette declaring and praising the glory of God in that universe vision!

What a paradox? What a hypocrisy!

Matthew 21:15-16, and Psalm 8:2 were fulfilled in this memorable event.
  • And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things which He did, and the children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were angry. (Mat 21:15)
And they said to Him, Do you hear what these say? And Jesus said to them, Yes, have you never read, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have perfected praise?" (Mat 21:16 MKJV). Christ quoted Psalms 8:2 in the Old Testament.
  • Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings You have ordained strength, because of ones vexing You, to cause the enemy and the avenger to cease. (Psa 8:2 MKJV)

I don't realize then that my "UNIVERSE VISION" sermonette was meant to be the last message I gave to the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG). With the trend and developments, it becomes clear to me that God is pulling me out of the PCG. WHY? For me to be "weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts of the Mother" -- the Church (Isaiah 28:9).
  • Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. (Isa 28:9 KJV)
Those "drawn from the breasts," are the Christians and Jews who removed or distanced themselves from the mainstream Pastors, Priests, Evangelists, Rabbis, and their Churches.
  • Milk is a symbol of the basic and elementary principles of the Bible.
  • The Church or Congregation is called the "Mother."
  • The "Breasts" symbolizes the Pastors, Priests, and Rabbis.
It is clear now that God's decision to pull me out of the Churches was in preparation for His revelation to Lope Columna of the 3 Great Mysteries of His Kingdom, which are all embodied in His supernal MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM -- the TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. For more explanations, please go to: WHO ARE THOSE QUALIFIED TO RECEIVE THE TRUE GOSPEL REVELATIONS OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH? WHO SHALL GOD TEACH MESSIANIC KABBALAH KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM? Them That Are Weaned From the Milk, and Drawn from the Breasts (Isa 28:9).


Ten (10) years later, the LORD God performed a miracle in the Solar System leading to the revelation of the TRUE RELIGION of Mankind hinted in my "UNIVERSE VISION" sermonette, and as prophesied in Psalms 8. Thus, in the same time that NASA Scientists officially announced the entry of Voyager 1 spacecraft in the Interstellar Space of the 3rd Heaven, God revealed to me the wonderful TRUE RELIGION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! For an in-depth explanation of how this happened, please go to: VOYAGER 1 IS NOW IN THE INTERSTELLAR SPACE OF HEAVEN, AND THE SUPERNAL TRUE RELIGION ON EARTH! What is the Spiritual Significance of These Two Great Milestones in the History of Man and the Universe?

This TRUE RELIGION OF JESUS CHRIST is composed of the following 3 Great Mysteries of the Kingdom of God:
  1. The GREAT MYSTERY OF MARRIAGE (Ephesians 5:31-32). 
  2. The GREAT MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM (1Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:26-27, Ephesians 6:19, Romans 16:25).
  3. The MYSTERY OF GOD THE FATHER'S WILL (Ephesians 1:9).
Continued on: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, MR. COLUMNA; To Boldly Claim That God's New Beginning Begins With You? Answer: God Has Chosen The Weak Things of The World To Confound The Mighty (1Cor 1:27)!

Or proceed to: The END-TIME WORK OF GOD HAD BEGUN! As God Hides The Intelligence of The World's Wise Men And Scholars; God Reveals His Supernal Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom To Those With "Little Child" Attitude! BE A PARTNER TO THIS GREAT END-TIME ELIJAH WORK OF GOD!


  1. The Companion Bible
  2. Tikunei Zohar 13, p.29a
  3. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
NOTE: Bible verses used in this article is based on the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). If not, the other quoted translation is indicated. 

Copyright 2009, 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA
of The Kabbalistic TRUE GOSPEL of The Kingdom of God

(Matthew 24:14, 17:11, Hosea 6:2-3, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12,  Rev 14:6)

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