Saturday, August 21, 2010

The GLOBAL SIEGE AGAINST MARRIAGE AND FAMILY. The Family Codes, Marriage Laws, Same-Sex Marriage, Pornography, and Contraception Are Foreign Forces That Attack to Destroy God's Marriage and Family Institutions!

Family codes are marriage laws in society made by men according to their human ideas and church doctrines on marriage. And because all are based on human ideas, not on God's, men and women continue to disobey the great root principle of God-designed marriage institution (Matthew 19:6).


There are two major human crises today that are not given sufficient attention corresponding to their great havoc done to society and human survival. These two are interrelated -- the Marriage and Family crises that are getting worse everyday. Just like Climate Change, the solutions that man uses to solve this serious crises, only make them worse. 

So, as Christians and their churches are ignorant of the great mystery of marriage, they will continue to file lawsuits among themselves in unrighteous civil courts.

Those serving the Justice System (the Judges and Lawyers) are called Christians, and yet they are also ignorant of the Mega Mystery of Marriage.

Even the lawmakers are also ignorant as they make laws that even encourage the breakup of marriages and families. Although these intelligent leaders of human society desire to preserve marriage and family, they made laws and implement them in the ways that actually destroys marriages and families. This is the subtle effect of deception because of man's ignorance of the meaning, impact, and purpose of the Divine Marriage and Family.


Marriage is a Divine Institution created by the same Divine and Holy God, who is also the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, And because man did not include the Creator God in their knowledge and educational system, man created laws that actually destroy them and society. Their "intelligence" became foolishness.
  • And because they did not think it worthwhile to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong. (Rom 1:28)
Family codes are marriage laws in society made by men according to their human ideas and church doctrines on marriage. And because all are based on human ideas, not on God's, men and women continue to disobey the great root principle of God-designed marriage institution (Matthew 19:6).


  • He told them, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your hearts. But it was not like that from the beginning. (Mat 19:8)
  • And I tell you, Whoever Divorces his Wife, EXCEPT FOR SEXUAL IMMORALITY, and Marries Another, COMMITS ADULTERY." (Mat 19:9)
The above Bible verses show us how Christ is trying to direct us to the original design and purpose of marriage "from the beginning," as created by God.


If you read Chapter 3 of the Family Code of the Philippines about "Void and Voidable Marriages," and Title II about "LEGAL SEPARATION," you will see that there are lots of requirements and conditions that will separate a husband and wife. In Matthew 19:9, Christ gives only one valid reason to separate a husband and wife: sexual immorality or fornication.

The Family Codes of the World do not encourage the biblical concept of the "two becoming one." Although the word "union" was written, it is more of the sexual and physical union, and not of the "soul or heart" of marriage.


MAN'S DEFINITION: The Family Code of the Philippines (enacted July 6, 1987), shows us man's definition and concepts of marriage. From TITLE I, MARRIAGE, Chapter 1. Requisites of Marriage:

Article 1. Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the property relations during the marriage within the limits provided by this Code. (52a)

GOD'S DEFINITION: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (Eph 5:31-32 KJV)


MAN'S DEFINITION: Art. 149. The family, being the foundation of the nation, is a basic social institution which public policy cherishes and protects. Consequently, family relations are governed by law and no custom, practice or agreement destructive of the family shall be recognized or given effect. (216a, 218a). (TITLE V, THE FAMILY, Chapter 1. The Family as an Institution)

GOD'S DEFINITION: For this reason I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. (Eph 3:14-15)

GOOD AND NOBLE INTENTIONS ARE NOT ENOUGH. Family Codes Are Actually Anti-Marriage and Anti-Family!

The writers of the Family Code may have good and noble intentions about the preservation and protection of Marriage and Family, but the problem is that it is all based on human concepts and ideas, and not from the God Almighty.

If you will study the Family Code you will notice that it is more of an anti-husband or anti-father. The Biblical and Godly design of Marriage is PATRIARCHAL. Yet, the World today focuses more, and gives more protection and importance to the Women and Mothers, which means MATRIARCHAL. Anything or anyone who is anti-husband or anti-father, is anti-marriage and anti-family, which means ANTI-GOD! Christ is the ultimate Husband, so this human marriage laws are also ANTI-CHRIST!

Society has a "rehab" or rehabilitation project for drug addicts, and yet there is no "rehab" for erring husbands and fathers. They are immediately punished, imprisoned, and separated from their spouses, children, or families. And then many marriages and families are destroyed.

Marriage Laws and Family Codes also encourage equality between husbands and wives, which destroys the government and leadership in the home. People today call it 50-50, "give and take," etc.

Family Codes must strengthen, not weaken Marriage and Family. Yet, sad to say, Family Codes are actually weakening the marriage and family relationships. 


Any institution or organization without the proper government and leadership firmly installed is weak, unstable, and is subject to all kinds of destructive forces. Applied to Marriage and Family, weak and unstable leadership will produce juvenile delinquents and other youth problems. These include, single-parent children, pre-marital sex among teens resulting to teen pregnancies and abortions. These also destroy the intimacy and unity between husbands and wives. 

As these marital curses grow, it breeds drug addictions, AIDS, and other myriad problems of society. And these all originated from man's direct opposition to God's original design concept of marriage of "two becoming one." 

For anything in this world to succeed, and to last, it must comply with God's laws and principles.


Family Codes also put more emphasis in protecting the materialistic properties, rather than the marriage spiritual aspects. Also, when there are disputes in marriage or family, human marriage laws place more emphasis on the "rights" of the individuals in the relationship, sacrificing the sanctity and unity of the marriage and family. So, human marriage laws and family codes are actually tools in destroying marriages and families! What an irony and deception!

So, we can see that the whole world, including its religion and legal system or the Justice System, is deceived about the Divine meaning and purpose of marriage. This is because the Marriage Mega Mystery of the Ages is unknown to them.

Continued on: THERE IS NO "SAFE SEX," BECAUSE THERE IS NO SAFE SIN, According to Your Bible! People Don't Realize That All The Promotions, Endorsements, Funding, Laws, and Practices of Same-Sex Marriage, 'Safe Sex,' and 'Reproductive Health' (RH) Are Sending Protests To God in Heaven!

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