Monday, April 15, 2019

Established CHURCHES and RELIGIONS Are Victims of Sexual Perversions And Immoralities

The BRIDE OF CHRIST'S GREAT MYSTERY OF PURE MARRIAGE vs BABYLON'S GREAT MYSTERY OF IMPURE HARLOTRY. Free Yourself From the Immoral Marriage Concepts of the Babylon-Seduced World Systems


Today, People and Churches are giving themselves up to the pressures and unrighteous pleasures of their carnal life, and lusts of the flesh. They are so busy in eking out a living to finance their lustful desires and financial worries.

The religious people have enough time and attention to their Churches' activities and fellowships, but they don’t put enough attention to the quality and welfare of their souls. They are too much engaged in their worldly luxuries and intemperance in eating and drinking, and entertainment.

WHY? The answer is given in 2Timothy 3:5-6.
  • ...holding to the Form of Religion but denying its (Messianic Kabbalah) POWER. Avoid these people! (2Tim 3:5)
  • For of these are those who CREEP INTO HOUSES and LEAD CAPTIVE SILLY WOMEN LOADED with SINS, led away with different KINDS OF LUSTS, (2Tim 3:6 MKJV) 
These kind of religious people only profess religion, or their kind or form of religion is only based upon their Churches' Doctrines and Fellowship. Although they use the Bible, their teachings and doctrines are not based on the truth of God. This is because they do not possess, or they don't believe on the Oral Bible and the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom.

Therefore, they are very successful only in the external show of their religion (a FORM), but they don't have, or they deny the "POWER of the True Religion," which is the POWER of the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom.

Without the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom from Heaven, the Churches' and their Members' Minds and Hearts will be filled with CORRUPTION and DECEPTIONS. And even if they have their regular Bible Studies/Expositions, they can never come to the FULL Knowledge of the TRUTH (2Timothy 3:7).
  • Ever learning and NEVER able to come to the FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH (2Tim 3:7 MKJV)
Instead, because of their CARNALITY, they will even try their best to resist the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom of Truth, deceiving themselves, and their followers (Romans 8:6-8, 2Timothy 3:8-9, 13).
  • these also resist the TRUTH, men who are corrupt in mind, worthless in regard to the Faith. (2Tim 3:8)
  • But they will not make further progress, for their lack of understanding will be clear to all... (2Tim 3:9)
  • Evil people and imposters will become worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2Tim 3:13)

This Global IGNORANCE of The GREAT MYSTERY OF MARRIAGE and Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, leads to the corrupted ideas about Sex, Marriage, and Family. The Churches are powerless, and their Leaders also succumbed to sexual sins! They now approved and even officiate in the same-sex marriages! People are engaged in, and enjoying the wrong use of Sex and wrong kind of Marriages (LGBT's, Sexual Immorality, Homosexuality, Same-Sex Marriages, Pornography, Pedophilia, Adultery, Prostitution, Wife Swapping, etc.). 

The INTERNET is full of these sexual immoralities and indecencies, making pornography a billion dollar industry. Because of all these, they became callous and did not take the warnings from God about the coming punishment.

So, as in the days of Noah before the Flood, so is the people of the world today, before the 2nd coming of the KING Messiah => The BRIDEGROOM to marry His BRIDE (Matthew 24:37-39, 25:10)

For more revelatory explanations, go to: The BRIDE OF CHRIST'S GREAT MYSTERY OF PURE MARRIAGE vs BABYLON'S GREAT MYSTERY OF IMPURE HARLOTRY. Free Yourself From the Immoral Marriage Concepts of the Babylon-Seduced World Systems

Copyright 2019 © LOPE COLUMNA

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